Why chose Massage Gun Shop Ireland?

Massags Gun Shop is 100% Guaranteed Irish

There are many massage guns on the market at the moment and some may look all the same to you. However, this is not the case. The battery life, power and speeds are what differ massage guns

If you see some massage guns looking similar to Massage Gun Shop's products they will not be the same as our high-quality massage guns.

We have researched and tested thoroughly all of our products and have a trusted relationship with our suppliers. 

Always look for a warranty and remember to check out customer reviews!

We offer 12 months+ on all Massage Gun Shop products and we are just a call away to answer any questions you may have regarding your purchase.

Remember to be aware of Christmas massage gun websites and Instagram pages that might pop up around Christmas time only to disappear again come the new year.

Always shop with a guaranteed Irish company to ensure you aren’t be scammed. Look for the company address, phone number, and professional email.

We provide Free-Next-Day delivery across Ireland where in most places you could be waiting weeks for your order.

If the price seems too good to be true, it normally always is! 

Remember when you shop with Massage Gun Shop customer service is top of our list! We will always respond at speed to any customer questions you might have!

When you shop with Massage Gun Shop you will always receive the highest form of customer service! 


Shop Local & Shop Irish  ☘️