The Benefits Of Electric Foam Roller

Massage gun shop Ireland the benefits of foam rollers

What are the main benefits of Electric Foam Rollers?

Massage Gun Shop's vibrating foam roller is a recovery tool used by professional athletes and are also suited for the whole family. Foam rolling is a method of self-myofascial release, which helps relieve muscle soreness, inflammation, and tightness. If you are new to foam rolling, you should start off slow then you can work up to greater time intervals, such as 30 or 60 seconds. 


The Benefits Of Electric Foam Rollers:

  • They aid muscle repair ✔️
  • Reduce stiff and sore muscles✔️
  • Reduces inflammation during muscle repair✔️
  • Help prevent injuries✔️
  • Increase blood flow & elasticity of the muscle tissue✔️
  • They promote relaxation ✔️
  • They help with posture✔️

Our Vibrating foam rollers have much more benefits due to their vibrations, as we know from the massage guns vibration is a commonly used tool in massage therapy for exercise recovery.

Grab your Electric Foam Roller Today For Only €165.00